16/12/16. 1st Activity
What is Giftedness?
According to the National Association for Gifted Children,
“Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10% or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system (e.g., mathematics, music, language) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g., painting, dance, sports).”
Myths about Gifted Students!
"Gifted children are elitist" "Gifted students will do fine on their own"
"Gifted students obtain good marks" "They can succeed without help"
"They naturally want to be social isolates"
"Their parents are very passionate"
" They will become eminent adults"
Student diversity
It is needed a school of quality : Equitable and inclusive school for everyone.Teacher´s work:
- They have the obligation to detect the giftedness (the tests start at the age of 6).
- They have to promote excellence and facilitate the educational resources which allow student´s knowledge to arrive as far as possible.
Lack of motivation non-existent capacity of effort
Low productivity fear of failure
Dropout zero tolerance to frustration
Solitude negative "Pygmalion effect"
low self-esteem bullying
rebelliousness concealment of talent
Influential factors in the development
Motivation creativity environment emotional measure
What calls our attention is that they are very curious, their behaviour is hyperactive, the kind of questions they ask, their interests and their grades.
Intervention strategies
Ordinary: grouping, enrichment and curricular adaptations.
Extraordinary: acceleration
Measurements: the content to teach, how to evaluate and how adapt homework
There are a great number of activites that will encourage gifted students:
· Compact the curriculum and provide enrichment activities
· Make the curriculum student-centered
· Try to maximize your students’ potential by expecting them to do their best.
· Teach interactively
· Provide opportunities for gifted children to interact with other gifted children
across grade levels and schools through competitions or collaborative projects
· Involve students in academic contests.
· Allow gifted children to create and publish a class newspaper to distribute
· Provide plenty of opportunities for gifted children and average children to
engage in social activities
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